The Lost City [2022]

The Lost City

Light comedy at its best, The Lost City is fun when its not taking itself seriously. With lots of laughs and some likable stars, the movie is a fun, lighthearted adventure that passes the time painlessly.

To be honest, the movie doesn’t sparkle quite as brightly as some classic treasure-hunting capers, but its stars’ screwball chemistry make this movie well worth romancing. Sandra Bullock is a reclusive romance novelist on a book tour with her cover model (Channing Tatum) gets swept up in a kidnapping attempt that lands them both in a cutthroat jungle adventure.

Yes, Mr. Tatum is back and he’s clearly making fun of all the jokes he heard about himself: he’s the over sexualized male model who’s looking to prove himself. But the joke is on us. In The Lost City, Tatum makes fun of overly handsome actors that take their shirts off for no reason by taking his off, completely. And you won’t hear any objections from me!

In short, even though Bullock is the main character of the movie, she’s not the one carrying the movie. It’s the chemistry between all 3: Tatum, Bullock and the one and only Brad Pitt.

Riotously funny, supremely silly and with star power in spades, The Lost City is a real gem of an action comedy: A screwball comedy that’s as silly as hell. The ridiculous is highlighted by Daniel Radcliffe‘s character: an spoiled rich white dude looking for a mystical treasure that doesn’t really exist.

The Lost City – Official Trailer
Should you watch it?

The Lost City is a warm, big-hearted treat, a delight from start to finish, a glorious throwback to simpler times, simpler stories and shameless, brazen high adventure.

Where can I watch it?

The Lost City is now streaming on Paramount+.


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