Murder of God’s Banker – Limited Series [2022]

Murder of God's Banker

Murder of God’s Banker is shocking to say the least. The documentary reveals a lot in a great pacing and some dramatization.

The Paramount Plus documentary is an investigation into the death of an Italian banker. The four episodes reveal a web that includes the Vatican, the Sicilian Mafia and a secret fascist society aimed at taking over Italy.

Director Tom Donahue uses a series of archival footage, mixed with stylized dramatizations and interviews with notable journalists and historians to uncover the truth behind Calvi’s murder while delving into the layers of corruption and conspiracies.

The show might be a lot for some, but some of the revelations in the show were shocking to me. A striking example would be how the Vatican Bank benefitted from World War 2. Another example is how corrupt the governing class in Italy can be. Honestly, coming from Lebanon, a severely corrupt country, it gave me Deja vu vibes.

Crimes, corruption, bribery, Freemasonry, and the church. This show has it all.

Murder of God’s Banker – Trailer
Should you watch it?

As someone who didn’t know anything about the events, my interest peaked by the title of the show. However, it successfully sold me and pushed me to research its revelations even more.

Where can I watch it?

You can stream the documentary Murder of God’s Banker exclusively on Paramount+.


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