Special – Season 2 [2021]


Special is a special series. Even if it’s ending with a not-so-great season two, the sixteen episodes series takes you inside the life of a gay man with cerebral palsy in his mid-20s.

Being is semi-autobiographical comedy, Ryan Hayes (Ryan O’Connell) is starting his first real job, beginning his first adventures in dating, and moving into his first apartment away from his helicopter mother.

O’Connell’s infectious charms are the highlight of this season. Sadly, I was a bit disappointed halfway into this season. As much as I loved Kim Laghari’s (Ryan’s best friend played by Punam Patel) character arc, I hated Tanner’s (Max Jenkins). He started as a cute loving gay guy in an open relationship having a one-night stand with Ryan, and for some reason, it feels like the writers forced his story into a direction that doesn’t make any sense.

Season two is Patel’s to own. As much as I enjoyed O’Connell’s character in the first season, he’s sadly less enjoyable here. In some scenes, it felt like there was an intentional decision to place Kim as the heart of the show. Punam Patel’s is here for it!

On the other hand, Ryan’s happy ending was a bit unexpected. He finally comes to terms with his disability, and goes full force into discovering life.

Special – Season 2 – Official Trailer
Should you watch it?

Navigating life is never easy, but it’s definitely harder for someone with a disability, and thank you Netflix (and Ryan O’Connel) for highlighting it. Special is a good watch.

Where can I watch it?

You can stream season one and two of Special exclusively on Netflix.


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