The Crown – Season 6 [2023] on Netflix

The Crown - Season 6 [2023] on Netflix

The final season of The Crown speeds up thru the most recent and controversial era of the monarchy. Watching it felt like the procurers were running away from any potential substance.

With its final season, the show has lost much of its lustre, but it still packs an emotional punch… In fact, the show coasts on the prowess of its cast, leaning so hard into its leads’ strengths that it often neglects to make its other elements interesting. From the death of Princess Diana, to seeing her children growing up, the show fails to connect with us emotionally other than a couple of scenes.

Yes, I took over a year to watch the final season because I didn’t want to be swept with the masses. However, it’s clear to me that The Crown overstayed its welcome.

Let’s put it this way. If your favorite moments have been those shared by the Queen and her sister Margaret, you’ll be especially moved by Ritz, the best episode of the season. And in a season when you’re dealing with the death of Princess Diana, you can’t have the best episode being a flashback that has nothing to do with it.

The Crown – Season 6 Part 1 – Official Trailer
Should you watch it?

The so-called ‘crown-jewel’ of Netflix, showcasing Queen Elizabeth II’s reign, fumbles at the finish line due to its confusion as to who or what it should focus on. However, I, for one, will miss this treasure — even this, at times, dutifully dull wrap — and already do.

Where can I watch it?

You can stream all seasons of The Crown exclusively on Netflix everywhere.


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